Friday 2 to Saturday 3 February 2018
DCU, Glasnevin.
Click here for Booking and Full Details on Eventbrite
Freud’s Question: What Does a Woman Want?
For Freud the answer preceded the question. After forty years of providing a definitive response (what women want is the penis), he achieved the interrogative mode. It is a loaded question of course, freighted with the age-old othering of women, since it is not equally asked of men, and presumes that “the dark continent” of unknowability is not the home country of every human subject. Psychoanalysis and cinema developed within the same time frame and reflect the same mutations, but it is perhaps valid to suggest that psychoanalysis today remains in thrall to many of the masculinist iconographies of femininity enshrined in culture and potently depicted in cinematic history. In this festival we will explore how cinema has served to represent various responses to Freud’s question and what psychoanalysis can gain from interrogating these representations.