Psychoanalysis in Times of Perversion
Keynote Address by Leonardo Rodríguez
Saturday 21 November 2015. 09:00 – 18:00
Carmelite Centre, Aungier Street, Dublin 2.
The fantasmatic nostalgia (emblematic perhaps of the 21st century) for a time when ‘things were different’: when the Other could be counted upon for laying down the law and attempting to govern jouissance, insofar as it testifies to an absence of the intervention of the paternal function, may be regarded as perverse. The pervert, the perverse, and the field ambiguously covered by the term ‘perversion’ can be articulated with the social relation and with psychoanalysis. The 22nd annual congress of the APPI takes for discussion and scrutiny the function and field of psychoanalysis in times of perversion.