Report: Geneviève Morel Seminar


Report on the APPI two part clinical seminar by Geneviève Morel
Part 1: The inclination towards terror. Part 2: Gender, between interpellation and classification
Dublin, 30 May 2015.

Geneviève Morel is a Psychoanalyst working in Paris and Lille.  She holds a degree in Mathematics and a doctorate in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology.  She is President of ‘Knowledge and Clinic’, an Association for ongoing formation in psychoanalysis, and is scientific consultant for the review of the same name.  She is also President of the College of Psychoanalysts of the A.L.E.P.H.(Association for the study of psychoanalysis and its history) and member of CFAR (London).  She is author of ‘Sexual Ambiguity; Sexuations and Psychosis’, Anthropos Economica 2000; The Clinic of Suicide (paperback in 2010); Freud’s Work; the Invention of Psychoanalysis, Breal 2006; The Law of the Mother, An  Essay on the Sexual Symptom, Anthropos Economica 2008; Screens and Dreams, Psychoanalytic Essays on the Moving Image, Barcelona, ediciones S&P 2011; Sexual Ambiguities, London, Karmac Books 2011.

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