The Nexus power of love: love of power Workshop 2

Saturday, 12th October 2024
10.00am - 13.00pm

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“The Nexus power of love: love of power”

Workshop 2.
Saturday, 12th October 2024 10.00am – 13.00pm (online)

In the transition from focusing on the individual to groups in his work Group Psychology (1921) Freud becomes aware of the “contrast between social and narcissistic” levels of being, he states “in the individual’s mental life someone else is invariably involved, as model, as object, as a helper or an opponent” and “the psychology of groups is the oldest human psychology”. Psychoanalysis is now faced with the theme of the construction of identity manifest in multiple and interactive online identities, focused on the predominance of the “image” over the “word”, which can give rise to “irrational aggressiveness” and destructive acts. The work required is to emphasise the group contexts which can determine how conscious and unconscious group processes can inform the construction of an “ethics” pertaining to the global “rule of the electronic which characterises our civilization”. This workshop will be comprised of four Presentations by scholars in the field of group work.

Geraldine McLoughlin, APPI Congress Events Chair, will host workshop 2.