Lacunae – APPI International Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis
Submission Deadline: 30 August 2016
Following on from the success of our special 1916 Easter Rising Centenary issue, Lacunae invites submissions from contributors on any topic for the upcoming Autumn-Winter 2016 issue. This includes the psychoanalytic clinic, politics, culture and sport reflections and opinions on any facet of the arts. Naturally these contributions may include reflections by a contributor on any aspect of 1916 or its wider commemoration. Responses evoked by our 1916 Centenary Special Edition are also welcome.
Lacunae offers feedback on all submissions and operates a blind peer-review process to identify those submissions that are best suited for publication at the time. The deadline for submissions is August 30th, 2016.
Guidelines for contributors are available here.
For queries, please feel free to contact us at:
[email protected] or [email protected].