Saturday 22 March 2014 – 10:00 to 12:30
St. Teresa’s, Clarendon Street, Dublin 2 (opposite entrance to Brown Thomas car park)
In discussions on the goal and finality of Lacanian psychoanalysis, the notion of transversing the fundamental fantasy is crucial. The idea of traversing the fantasy suggests that during the process of psychoanalysis, and as an effect of psychoanalytic working-through, the relation between subject and object a changes. In this lecture Stijn Vanheule explores the clinic of traversing the fundamental fantasy. Starting from a case of obsessional neurosis, different steps in the process of traversing are explored and the effects of this process on the subject are discussed.
Stijn Vanheule, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist, associate professor in the Department of Psychoanalysis and Clinical Consulting at Ghent University (Belgium), and a psychoanalyst in private practice (member of the New Lacanian School for Psychoanalysis). He is the author of the monograph ‘The Subject of Psychosis – a Lacanian Perspective’ (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011) and of numerous articles on Lacanian and Freudian psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic research on psychopathology, and clinical psychodiagnostics.
Price: €20 (full member); €25 (non-member); €15 (student w/id)
For further information contact Eve Watson at 087 967 8965 or Mary Barry at 086 784 9145