Child Protection: Implications for the Counsellor / Psychotherapist with Julie Brown – ‘One in Four’
Saturday 26 April 2014. 10:00 – 13:00
Carmelite Centre, Aungier Street, Dublin 2.
New legislation this year will introduce mandatory reporting of child abuse to Ireland for the first time. Counsellors and psychotherapists will be among the designated professionals who will be obliged to report disclosures of childhood abuse made by their clients, even if the client is now an adult.
This workshop aims to present clear information about the new legislation and reporting obligations, to examine the implications for counsellors and psychotherapists and to explore the impact of mandatory reporting on the therapeutic relationship.
Julie Brown is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist and member of the IFPP Executive committee. She has worked in the area of sexual violence for eleven years. Julie currently works in the Advocacy Department of One in Four where she offers information and support to clients in respect of child protection and the criminal and civil justice systems specifically with regard to sexual violence. Julie has conducted research into complainants’ experiences of the criminal justice system and is trained in the use of restorative justice conferencing for complex cases.
One in Four is a national charity that supports women and men who have experienced sexual violence as children or as adults. It offers psychotherapy, family support, sex offender treatment programmes and advocacy services. The work is about intervention in the cycle of abuse. The vision is an Irish society where children are safe from sexual violence.